What Are The Facts About Sand Mining You Didn’t Know?

sand mining

We are always told that sand is something we need daily. But there are some unknown facts about sand mining companies that you must know. Read and know more. 

Because of the abundant supply, sand mining services in various countries are still possible. However, some areas still face sand scarcity. As we strive to know more about sand extraction, there are better chances to mine it in a sustainable way. 

Top Facts About Sand Mining You Must Know 

  1. We are slowly running out of sand 

It is needless to say that our planet is full of sand. As a matter of fact, the Sahara Desert covers 8 per cent of the total land area of the Earth. Moreover, sand dunes present in the Sahara region are upto 180m high. The concern with desert sand is that it is functionally useless. The grains are weathered by wind, leaving them both rounded and smooth. Hence, they are impossible to include in the concrete. 

  1. Existing laws are not working enough 

Sand is the bulk of mining activities. However, aggregates mostly remain unregulating. Scientists estimate that the weathering of rocks and mountains by rivers produces 12.6 billion tonnes of sediment. By the maximum conservative approximation, sand extraction has become three times faster than nature can replenish it. With such activities, sand mining risks categorizing as informal and potentially illegal practices

  1. Singapore is the largest importer 

In the entire world, Singapore is the biggest importer of sand. Mainly because of its land reclamation practices due to which the city-state’s land area has been increasing by 20%. Traditionally, Singapore has been using sand from the neighbouring states and importing from Vietnam and Malaysia. 

  1. Lives have been sacrificed for sand 

A lot of police officers have been crushed to death because of illegal sand mining activities. Since it is a vital resource, the price of this commodity is increasingly high. As a result, it continuously attracts the attention of criminals. Sand mafias, which are illegal sand miners, form groups that dredge sand from prohibited locations illegally. Sand mafias are a big problem in India. A classic example of the untimely murder of Sangeeth Balan in January 2020. 

  1. Innovation can decrease sand consumption

Finally, an avenue to decrease sand extraction is by implementing a rigorous recycling infrastructure. In the US, they use the most recycled concentre as an aggregate on road bases. However, they use less than a quarter for producing new concrete. 


These were some common facts about sand mining. To gain a better understanding, get in touch with Abhinna Investments. They rank among the top sand mining companies for offering legal and sustainable sand mining services. So, what are you waiting for? Contact the most reliable sand mining service providers today.